by Lola Sanchez Liste | Sleep Guides
Just when you thought you had your baby’s sleep schedule figured out, life throws you another curveball. It’s time to start the transition to one nap a day. Don’t panic! This guide will help you understand your baby’s sleep needs as they grow and create a plan to help...
by Lola Sanchez Liste | bedtime, Family Story, Frequency Questions, newborn sleep, Sleep development, Sleep Guides, sleep routine, sleep training
Whether you’ve tried a thousand things and just can’t get your baby to go to sleep at night or the idea of your baby putting himself to sleep without an hour of rocking just sounds tempting, you might find yourself considering sleep training. From the most...
by Lola Sanchez Liste | bedtime, Day-night confusion, Frequency Questions, newborn sleep, Safe Sleep, Sleep development, Sleep Guides, sleep routine
We know the old joke that parenting doesn’t come with a manual, but I’m going to let you in on a little secret about sleep. Each baby – yes, even yours! – comes equipped with their very own sleep signals that tell you exactly when they’re ready for a nap or bed....
by Lola Sanchez Liste | Frequency Questions, Safe Sleep, Sleep Guides
Swaddling a baby is such a popular practice in the newborn days. The use of swaddles is so accepted and respected in countries like the United States, there is an entire swaddle industry, selling various fabrics and patterns promising to keep your baby comfy and...
by Lola Sanchez Liste | Family Story, Frequency Questions, Parents sleep, Safe Sleep, Sleep Environment, Sleep Guides
I am ready to stop bed-sharing with my child. Where do I start? If you’re co-sleeping, but don’t want to be: there is an end in sight! Maybe co-sleeping was never your plan and it just sort of happened. Or maybe co-sleeping with a nursing infant made sense, but...